My Daughter's Hair (Length Retention) Journey

Sunday 3rd February 2013

Starting Length

Bloom started her hair Journey with me in 2012 and her hair was thriving. Between the pregnancy and the baby Petal needing attention, I kinda lost my way.
I have now put in place a routine, which is no different than before, except I work around baby. As of yesterday, we have started fresh on a new journey to retain length.

Every Sunday is wash day.

Saturday night :- Prepoo with EVOO. - apply Extra Virgin Olive Oil and cover with plastic cap and add winter hats to keep in the heat.


Shampoo and Deep Condition 

Lose out existing hair style. Normally, I would part the hair in four sections but as it is already in four, it is easy to work through.

I apply the shampoo to the dry scalp. She has dry scalp as well as very porous hair. I use the Sulf8 shampoo for the medicated qualities. I try not to add it to her hair. Her hair will get wash as I wash through. I do this to each section of the hair and rinse it thoroughly.

I then add the conditioner which is made of  Castor oil, Hair One and Enhancing herbal conditioner and mix in well
Apply to hair

Cover with Cap and place under hooded dryer for 20 minutes.  Rinse thoroughly

Styling - Ghana Twist 

Weave thread
Rat tail comb


Remove all excess water from hair. I do not rub the hair, only squeeze out. 
This will be different all the time, but for today: I part the hair in two sections 
and apply leave-ins 

1.Jane Carter- Revitalising Leave-in Conditoner
2.Jojoba Oil - ( I poured it into a DooGro bottle)> Because of the tightness of the curls the natural oils produced by the body does not reach the ends of the hair. Jojoba Oils is the closest the the natural sebum.
DooGro- I bought early in my journey based on a recommendation  The first ingredient is Mineral Oil so I never used it. No GOOD. So I use the bottle. 
3.Taliah Waajid Great Detangler
4.Oilive oil - too seal
5.Neutogena triple moisture

With the Taliah Waajid  Great Detangler, I apply generously to get the necessary slip for easy detangling with the big teeth comb

Parted each half in smaller parts. Used the thread to each small section. 

I then used a hair band to hold the hair in one and another to hold the bun. I do this to each side. I then tired a ribbon for cuteness. 


Every evening I will be adding moisture to her hair: 
1. Spritzing water ( not wet) and sealing with Olive Oil
2. Cover with plastic cap and tie down for the night

HHJ- Ladyno

1 comment:

  1. Very good reading. Keep up the great work!

    All the best,
