Weight Loss Journey

Monday 4th March 2013
I took a break from the workouts to rest my knees since the 21st  February. They were really painful. I kept the weight off by eating right and yet still enjoying cooking. As I stated before,I don't want to go on a diet. So I just ate normally.
Today, I am back on the programme again. I did Level 1&2 of Jillian Matthews and cardio abs of insantiy. It not easy, but nothing worth having come easy. I though I would have lost my strength in Still not ready to share pictures but will soon..

 Got to look good for the Christening 

HFB - Ladyno

Monday 18th February 2013

Today is the first day of the third week since I begun  my weight loss journey. The pictures I took at the beginning of my journey are compared to today's and I am very impressed with the way my body has evolved.
I am not at all ready to share these pictures, but as soon as I am ...you will see what I am talking about. I have lost 10 lbs to date. I wish I had measured my body to see how much inches I've lost. So I will count from now,,, better late than never.

Last week Tuesday (12th) I though I was at the right stamina and fitness level to take on Level 2 of JM's 30 Day body Shred. She sure works you!! I will give my review once I complete the the 30days.

I am following a healthy eating plan of my own making. The way I cook for my family is very healthy which makes losing weight easier. I just need to ensure that I have my meals on time to give my metabolism the boost it needs. Sometimes, a sleepless night leads to missing breakfast. When this happens, by the time I exercise, I am very dizzy. Now, I ensure that no matter what!!, I have wakeup for breakfast.

Day plan routine:

usually oat porridge made with rice milk(calicum fortified)

Midday Snack
usually snak-a-jack (half a rice cake)

Healthy Salad

Mid Afternoon Snack
Protein shake /snack-a-jack (half a rice cake)

Steamed veg
Selection of Proteins- chicken, meat, fish

Water throughout the day

Still doing my research and working towards losing and keeping the weight off.

Happy Fat Burning (HFB) – Ladyno

Monday 4th February 2013

I have been trying to write this post since Monday  but being a new mum isn’t easy. So lets do this before she wakes. Here goes:

I have finally stopped stepping on and off Weight Loss beach. I have made a decision and I am sticking with it and enter the big blue fitness ocean.

Today (Monday) is the first day of the rest of my healthy living. 

Having gained a fair amount of weight during pregnancy and post, it feels like it's going to be a whale of a task to lose all this weight, but I am motivated and dedicated to achieve my goals.I have done quite a bit of research on how to lose this weight effectively and naturally ..too keep it off! 

I was first intrigued by @BeautifulBrwnBabyDol. Her Youtube Vlog: 10 TRUE Reasons You are Still FAT (& Might Stay That Way)! See link below. Although she lost over 100lbs, it wasn't the loss that captivated me, it was her ability to keep it off for six years. Then by chance I stumbled onto Mike at Insane home fat loss- Youtube video which led me to his website  see link below. I complied my research and decided the best thing (budget wise) was Jillian’s Youtube video see link below. I will have to buy the DVD to get the other levels, but for now I will build my cardio and muscles until my body and pocket is ready for the next step. 


The best thing about it all is that I DON’T NEED TO GO TO THE GYM


I have lost weight in the past after my first daughter, but I did pile the pounds back on. I lost the weight for my wedding but I did pile those pounds back on as well. This time I intend to lose the weight and keep it off!! Changes to my eating habits are well on the way and still have some ways to go. I don’t want to diet. I want to enjoy my food and I want healthy eating to be a way of life for me and my family.


I will check-in every four weeks with my progress. I believe I put on at least 35-40lbs in this pregnancy. Plus there was weight I wanted to lost before I got pregnant. Altogether, I have approximately 50lb (4.4 st) to lose.

My target date:           30th May 2013
Aim: To lose 5lbs a week
         Every 4 wks x 5lbs = 20lbs per month

At the moment I am on a spiritual journey of prayer and fast so my actual daily diet will be vastly injected with food once I have achieved my objectives.


So...What am I doing now?
This morning I woke up at 5am, but after my half hour of peaceful meditation, my baby girl woke up so that delayed my exercise workout with Jillian.
But once she was fed, I was back on track. I put on my work-out gear and was ready for what Jillian had to offer (or I thought I was). She worked me OUT!!! I was exhausted.


This morning I woke up at 5am, but before my half hour of peaceful meditation, my baby girl woke up so that delayed my exercise workout with Jillian again. But I got back into gear and worked it out! Exhausted of cause.

What I failed to mention earlier, is that I am suffering with the cold, but refuse to give in. I am hoping that the exercising will give my immune system a boost.

This morning I got woken up at 4:30 (she had a head start). I feed her and gave her the attention. She went back to baby land. By 5:30, Jillian and I were at it, but this morning I shook things up a bit. I did circuit 1 and 2 of Banish Fat and Boost Metabolism then entered the 30 days Shed.

I have to take it easy, because I do suffer with my knees and back. But that isn’t going stop me from giving my all. I AM going to burn this fat! No Excuses!

Weigh-in is on Saturday morning.

Happy Fat Burning (HFB) – Ladyno


Jillian Micheals

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